My name is Arthur Wetselaar, online marketeer at Digdeeper.
Digdeeper is an internet marketing agency with 20+ years of experience. We are no nonsense and not full-service.
When I started with online marketing, back in 2002, I had wittnessed the transition from dominant search engine Altavista to Yahoo to Google. SEO had two variants, white hat and black hat. Black hat could make your website rank high in no time. What worked e.g. was repeating keywords endlessly in grey text on a grey page. Over time Google became smarter and in 2003 I chose the ‘light’ side of SEO. In that same year Google Adwords were introduced in the Netherlands. What a game changer that was for my profession. For 1-5 eurocents a click you could buy the internet! Or at least it felt like that.
Nowadays SEO has many more flavors than the two colors. I am allround in SEO, but technical SEO is my specialty within the field. In general SEO is about content and how you format that content. Technical SEO focuses more on hygiene factors from the point of view of search engines. For example; great content will not score well if it is written on a slow loading page.
SEO asks for an initial investment, while you can reap long of what you sowed. PPC (Pay Per Click) advertising is faster to set up, each visitor costs money and the bounty stops when you stop paying. Often I start an SEO assignment with a PPC campaign. Such a campaign shows you really well which keywords trigger your target audience. Those keyword then form the basis to attract visitors for free from the searchengines.
In closing I’d like to explain me being not full-service. Often customers prefer a one-stop-shop. But I am a firm believer of staying in your own lane. No one is good in all aspects of online marketing. In a couple of areas I shine, but in e.g. social media marketing I am just a medior. In the end I am convinced that by focussing on my strong suits, the customer is better served.